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Q: How many earth years does it take to make one year on Neptune?
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How many earth years has neptune lived?

Earth and Neptune formed together so it has lived the same number of Earth Years as Earth has.

How many years does it take neptune to make 1 rotation around the sun?

About 164.79 years compared to Earth

How many days make up one year on Neptune in earth years?

a lot! it takes about 10,980 earth days to make up a year for neptune to go around the sun and back!

How many earth years equals one Neptune year?

60225 earth days = one year on Neptune

How many earth years are equivalent to Neptune?

It takes roughly 165 Earth years for Neptune to complete a rotation around the Sun.

How many earth yaers does it take neptune to orbit the does?

165 Earth Years

How many earth days do it take for neptune to orbit around the sun?

60,190.03 Earth days (164.79 Earth years) (89,666 Neptune days)

How many years has earth lived?

Earth and Neptune formed together so it has lived the same number of Earth Years as Earth has.

How many days does it takes Neptune to orbit around earth?

Neptune orbits the sun, not Earth. Its orbital period is 60,182 Earth days, or about 165 Earth years.

How many earth days are there Neptune 1 year?

One orbit for Neptune takes nearly 165 Earth years (164.79 years). This is approximately 60,190 Earth days. But a day (complete rotation) for Neptune is much shorter than Earth's, about 16 Earth hours. So there are about 89,666 "Neptune days" in a "Neptune year".

How many day does Neptune revolve around the sun?

it takes 165 Earth years for Neptune to revolve around the sun.

How many earth years equal to one year in Neptune?

Now that Pluto has been downgraded to a dwarf planet, Neptune is the most distant planet from the Sun. It takes 164.79 Earth years for Neptune to circle the Sun, so one Earth year would be about 1/165 of a Neptune year (the time it takes Neptune to circle the Sun).