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Q: How many earthquakes in asia last year?
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How many earthquakes can there be in a year?

Nobody knows how many earthquakes can happen in a year because you cannot predict earthquakes. :)

What earthquakes have happened in the last year?

Earthquakes happen every day, all around the world. On March 20, 2014, a total of 38,289 earthquakes had happened in the past year.

How many earthquakes does southern California average in one year?

There are about 10,000 earthquakes every year

How many earthquakes to britian get in a year?

they have the amount of 3 earthquakes a year

When and where earthquakes have occurred in the past centenary?

One last year in Hauiku

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How many earthquakes have occurred worldwide in 2010?

It is impossible to tell. 2010 was a year of numerous large earthquakes around the globe. However, many smaller earthquakes occurred and many more that were too weak to be measured. It is estimated that millions of earthquakes occur each year.

How many earthquakes happened each year?

Around several million earthquakes happen around the world each year.

How many earthquakes have happened in Wyoming from the first to last?

Earthquakes occur quite frequently in Wyoming, especially in the area of Yellowstone National Park. About 1,000 to 3,000 earthquakes strike Yellowstone each year, according to the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. Also, there is no way to know how many earthquakes from the first one, as there is no record of the first earthquake in Wyoming.

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