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A glass frog typically lays 2-3 dozen eggs at one time.

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Q: How many eggs can a glass frog lay?
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How many eggs do glass forgs lay?

a glass frog can lay 25 eggs at a time

How many does a glass frog give birth?

Frogs do not give birth. They lay eggs.

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How many eggs can a frog lay at once?

dpeneds on the forg

How many eggs can a tree frog lay in a year?

A tree frog lays up to 1000-3000 eggs a year.

How many eggs does a red arrow frog lay?

4-6 eggs at a time

How many eggs can frogs lay?

You did not say which species of frog so I will tell you of one particular frog. The southern cricket frog of South-eastern borth America can lay as many as 250 in ditches and ponds. Most species of frogs can lay hundreds of eggs at a time.

How many eggs does an Red Arrow Frog lay?

it lays 4-6 eggs at a time

How many eggs can a poison dart frog lay in a day?

around 8-10 eggs

Does a tree frog lay eggs or have live babies?

A tree frog lays eggs. Almost all reptiles lay eggs except for platypus

How many eggs do normal frogs lay at once?

if the Frog is an older frog it may lay more eggs? and it round about 100-200 eggs but its like us humans you never know how many babies your going to get so they are different each time and it depends on what frog it is and its species.

What does a real frog mean?

The answer is: A frog is a animal and it's like a toad.Frogs lay eggs and frog eggs are in ponds. Frogs eggs are called frog spone.