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well im thinking about 30 hens i may be wrong but this is what i think =]

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16y ago
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13y ago

Most roosters can handle anywhere from 15 to 20 hens per day.

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12y ago

1 egg per day. Very rarely do my chickens not produce an egg every day, but they've never laid more than 1 in a day.

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Q: How many eggs do chickens produce every day?
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How many eggs does a chicken lay per month?

o ton they lay about 260 eggs a day. Most chickens lay about one egg per day. After the chicken gets around one year old they start to produce less eggs. Chickens do not produce eggs every day. A good hen will produce 320 to 340 per yesr.

Egg are they really from chickens?

Chicken eggs are. Many other creatures produce eggs.

How many eggs a year do dominique breed chickens lay?

Dominique's are steady and good winter layers. They often produce eggs every day or every other day. They are considered moderate layers.

If a chicken and a half laid an egg and a half how many would it take to make a dozen?

It takes 12 eggs to make a dozen. If 1.5 chickens produce 1.5 eggs, then 1 chicken produces 1 egg, and it takes 12 chickens to produce 1 dozen eggs.

If 2 chickens can lay a total of 2 eggs in 2 many eggs can 4 chickens lay in 4 days?

2 chickens laying 2 eggs in 2 days means that each chicken lays an egg every other day. 4 chickens laying an egg every other day would lay 8 eggs in 4 days.

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they produce up to 50 eggs every 10 seconds

How many different types of eggs are there?

If you mean in color - there are white and brown. If you mean breed ,then there are many,about 50-60 different types of chickens who produce different eggs.

How many eggs can 3 chickens lay?

Most hens lay every day or every other day.

What are living thing and their product?

There are many names for living things and their products. Chickens for example are very popular and they produce eggs.

How do hens produce so many eggs to sit on?

they lay one egg a day for about 12 days before they decide to sit and incubate their eggs. They also "steal" eggs from other chickens who are not broody.

How many chickens is there in the UK?

There is no official count as to how many chickens are in the UK. However, there are most likely millions of chickens for food and for the eggs.

What are living things and their products called?

There are many names for living things and their products. Chickens for example are very popular and they produce eggs.