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The hen will lay eggs whether there is a rooster on site or not. In fact, commercial layers (the eggs in the grocery store) never, ever see a rooster. They live in a hen commune. You only add the rooster if you want to have chicks. If you keep the rooster just because he's pretty, he eats the food, bothers the hens and doesn't give you anything in return except something nice to look at.

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Q: How many eggs does a hen lay until you separate her from the rooster?
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A rooster lays 20 eggsthe farmer took 5 eggshow many eggs are there?

15 eggs None, a rooster cannot lay eggs (a rooster is a male)

When do you sell a rooster becasuse he is to old to fertilize an egg?

Many people say that a rooster if fertile up until his death. The only thing you can do is periodically test the eggs laid by the hens he has mounted to check for fertility.

Can a hen produce eggs without sex?

Absolutely yes. A hen does not need a rooster to produce eggs, she only produces fertile eggs when a rooster is involved. Many farm flocks do not have a rooster among the flock and egg production does not suffer in the slightest. A rooster job is to protect the flock and mate with the hens to produce offspring but the hens will continue to lay eggs with or without him.

How many days after the hen is with the rooster will she lay her eggs?

27 through 89 days

Will hens lay eggs without a rooster?

No. A human female equivalent of an egg would be a period ecept hens lay eggs a lot more regularly. If there was a rooster present then the eggs that the hens laid would sometimes contain a foetus

How many roosters should you have in a flock?

If you have more than one rooster in a flock of hens, you will have cockfights. Sometimes, they will fight until one or both of them die. You only need one rooster to fertilize all the eggs anyway. Most people have the extra roosters for Sunday dinner - and not as a guest, if you understand.

Do you need a rooster for hens to lay?

No. Chickens will lay perfectly good eggs without a rooster. In fact, many people prefer not to keep a rooster, because they don't want to find a fertilized egg that was a little too far along.

HOW many days a hen sits on eggs?

They sit on them as soon as the egg is laid. They will continue sitting on the eggs until they hatch. This keeps the eggs warm. If you gather the eggs every day, the hens are less apt to sit on them. Sometimes their maternal instincts kick in and they will sit on the eggs. When that happens you can just reach underneath and pull the eggs out. They may peck at your hand, but it doesn't hurt.

How many days can you safely gather eggs?

In general a person should be able to safely gather eggs every day of the year. The only reasons not to gather eggs areAll your hens are broody and you want the new chicks,It would not be safe to go out in severe weather,You have a rooster who attacks you, in which case you should kill the rooster.

Does having a rooster help egg production?

A rooster in the hen house is not going to make the hens lay more eggs. If a farmer is wanting to have more chickens, then a select few hens can be put with a rooster for awhile to produce eggs that will actually hatch into baby chicks.

Do laying hens need a rooster to produce an egg daily?

NO, hens don't need a rooster to lay at ALL. The amount of eggs laid, varys between the Age,Breed, and happiness of the hen. Good layers are Rhode Island Reds,Barbed Rock,Aracona,Americona,and many more. The only need for a rooster when it comes to eggs, is to fertilize them (threw Mating) so a chick will hatch.

How many chickens are needed for a supply of eggs for a family of 6?

Most small farm families with 8 to 10 hens and one rooster can manage well on the eggs laid per week and have extra to give away or sell. Depending on the breed you can get as many as 10 eggs per day. Number will vary with condition and age of the hens and the rooster will ensure a continuation of the flock for subsequent years if the fertilized eggs are collected each spring for a small hatch of chicks.