

How many eggs does a leghorn lay?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Yes. The color of feathers makes no difference in number of eggs laid. The breed determines the potential number of eggs per year but good nutrition and general health will often result in far better than average egg production.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Leghorns lay large white eggs. The leghorn hen is a very good egg producer.

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13y ago

our Leghorns average 0.7 eggs a day so in 10 days your likely to get 7 eggs

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What color ear lobes do roosters have?

The color of the earlobes is a general indication of the color of the eggs. A hen with red lobes usually will lay brown eggs. The exception to this would be the Easter Egger, Ameraucana, and Araucana breeds. They usually have red lobes but will lay eggs in colors ranging from khaki green (army eggs), sky blue, pink tinted, to the occasional lavender tinted beauty. This is all due to Genetics. The shell color is a result of pigments that are secreted by the hen and deposited on the eggshell's outer layers during formation in the chicken's oviduct. Brown eggs are from protoporphyrin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin. Blue and green hues are caused by the pigment oocyanin, a by-product of bile formation.

Can Welsummer chickens lay white eggs?

Welsummer chickens lay dark brown eggs. If you have a bird that looks like a welsummer but lays white eggs its probably a brown leghorn.

What can you feed a chicken so it will lay an egg with a purple shell?

What you feed Chickens does not determine the color of the egg. The color of the egg is determined by the variety of the chicken. For instance, while a white leghorn chicken will lay white eggs, a Brahma chicken will lay brown eggs and an Americana chicken will lay eggs that range from blue to green! there has been a recent discovery of a chicken variety that lays purple eggs, but not much information is available about them yet.

How many eggs do gorillas lay at a time?

They are mammals and do not lay eggs.

How many eggs does a jaguar lay?

Jaguars are mammals. Mammals do not lay eggs.

Related questions

How big of eggs do a leghorn lay?

3 inches.

Does a Brown Leghorn lay more eggs than a White Leghorn?

Brown Versus White LeghornYes it does.

What breed of chickens lay burgundy eggs?

leghorn chicks

At what age do leghorn chickens lay eggs?

16-20 weeks

I have a hen which I am convinced is a Wellsummer but which lays white eggs Could I be mistaking her for a different variety which does lay white?

Wellsummers do NOT lay white eggs. However, it is very likely that she is a light brown leghorn.

What color chicken lays cream eggs?

Chickens do not lay eggs according to the colour of their feathers, but here are some breeds that lay cream eggs: -Buff Orpington -Barred Rock -Americauna (these also lay green eggs sometimes)

What was the name of the old cartoon chicken who couldn't lay any eggs?

Totally a guess here: you may be thinking of Miss Prissy, one of the characters in a Foghorn Leghorn cartoon (Lovelorn Leghorn). Miss Prissy was an old maid character; she didn't lay any eggs because she never had any, ahem, "gentlemen callers" (as a Tennessee Williams character might say).(In actuality, hens lay eggs anyway. Rooster involvement is only required for fertilized eggs.)

How many months before the white leghorn lays eggs?

Leghorns are relatively early maturing and can start to lay their first eggs at about 4 to 6 months old. Nutrition health and living conditions will affect their start date.

What rooster can you breed to a white leghorn hen?

All roosters are males so they don't lay eggs this is true for any breed of poultry

What color ear lobes do roosters have?

The color of the earlobes is a general indication of the color of the eggs. A hen with red lobes usually will lay brown eggs. The exception to this would be the Easter Egger, Ameraucana, and Araucana breeds. They usually have red lobes but will lay eggs in colors ranging from khaki green (army eggs), sky blue, pink tinted, to the occasional lavender tinted beauty. This is all due to Genetics. The shell color is a result of pigments that are secreted by the hen and deposited on the eggshell's outer layers during formation in the chicken's oviduct. Brown eggs are from protoporphyrin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin. Blue and green hues are caused by the pigment oocyanin, a by-product of bile formation.

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