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leghorn chicks

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Q: What breed of chickens lay burgundy eggs?
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Do Araucana's lay brown eggs?

No. True Araucanas lay blue eggs. Mixed breed easter egger or EE chickens can lay eggs of almost any color. Brown eggs from a "Araucana" suggests mixed breed.

What breed of chickens lay the biggest brown eggs?

A Hen, I think LOL

What are the kinds of chickens that lays eggs?

All chicken breeds lay eggs. If there was a breed that failed to produce eggs, it would be extinct.

How do you selectively breed chickens?

Make sure your hen with the large eggs is fertilized and collect the eggs for incubation. Keep both hens and cockerels, breed only from the first years hatch of the biggest eggs with the hens who lay the biggest eggs. It may take several years.

What is the correct pronoun for - the chickens lay lots of eggs?

What is the pronoun for the chickens lay lots of eggs

Why don't meat king chickens lay eggs?

Simple logic: Meat queen chickens lay eggs; meat king chickens lay meat queen chickens.

Do chickens lay watermelons?

no they lay eggs THEY DON'T!! but some chickens lay eggs that turn into chicks over time

Does chicken lay eggs without rooster?

NoAnd it's called "Laying" not "Laying on"Cockerels don't lay eggs, so improve your question by saying "Is there a breed of hen that does not lay eggs.I think he/she was asking if there is a breed of chicken that doesn't go broody, and the answer to that is yes alot of chickens have been bred not to go broody (ex.leghorn)

How many eggs do free range chickens lay a week?

That would totally depend on the breed and age of the hen.

Do all chickens lay eggs?

The females from all breeds of chickens lay eggs. Some hens stop laying when they are old, but there are no breeds or varieties of chickens in which the females do not lay eggs. Roosters, as the male of the species, never lay eggs.

Do boy hens lay eggs am trying to say do boy hens lay eggs all year?

Hens are mom chickens and roosters are dad chickens. Only mom chickens, hens, lay eggs. They lay eggs all year.

Does laying double yolks reduce number of eggs a hen will lay in lifetime?

No, but some people breed specifically for chickens that lay double yolks.