

How many eggs does a red eared slider turtle have?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Not many usually. the most they usually lay is about 5 or 6.

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Q: How many eggs does a red eared slider turtle have?
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How many eggs can a red eared slider turtle lay?

anywhere from two to twenty times per breeding season

How many times can a red eared slider turtle lay eggs?

anywhere from two to twenty times per breeding season

Haw many eggs do red eared slider turtles have?

about 30

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our red slider turtle is 1 1/2 years old and she will eat 5 small goldfish at a time.

How many baby turtles can a mother turtle have?

A Red Ear Slider Turtle mama an have 10-13.

How do you care for red eared slider turtles?

The way to take care of a baby slider is u have 2 go 2 a pet store and ask 4 repto min its the smallest bottle feed the turtle about 3 or 4 it depends thoe..... If it eats half of them then that's how many they are feeden..........then as they grow get the bigger bottles till they are the size of the plate. Resource:

What are predators of the red eared slider turtle?

Painted turtles are enormously vulnerable to a wide variety of predators. Nest predators include raccoons, foxes and skunks. Painted Turtles have many predators which include raccoons, foxes, skunks, gulls, crows, ravens, herons, weasels and snapping turtles.

What month do red eared sliders lay there eggs?

You're the guy that asked god knows how many questions about red eared sliders aren't you? Sorry. Anyway no one can tell you what month exactly. Just know they lay their eggs in spring. Geckomaster P.S. To get all this info your looking for just find a good website on google or something.

How many eggs do slider turtles lay?

turtles usually lay about 24 to 32 eggs Yeah but they're asking a specific turtle so wouldn't the number change do you think?

What food does a baby red eared slider eat other than bought turtle food?

Young baby turtles can eat many different ,but something easy is wiggle tails or baby mosquitos

What happens when a red eared slider turtle eats little rocks?

The turtle will likely pass the rock through its digestive system, however turtles are known to develop blocked bowels from rocks that are too large, or eating too many rocks at once.

When a red eared slider has babies how many does she have?

Generally 2-20 per clutch.