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Q: How many eggs normally survive in a parakeets clutch?
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How fast will parakeets lay eggs after first clutch?

20 seconds

What happens to female parakeets after they give birth?

Parakeets do not give birth to live babies but rather they lay eggs. Each batch of eggs is called a clutch. After the female parakeet lays the eggs she lays on them to keep them warm until they hatch.

How many duck eggs survive out of a batch?

Normally nearly all the duck eggs will hatch, although occasionally one or two eggs in the clutch will never hatch. Of course, in the wild, some eggs are eaten or broken by predators, but those that survive will should hatch, if they have been cared for properly.

How do parakeets take care their eggs?

The parakeets will lay their eggs in a nest that they build themselves. The parakeets will sit on the eggs until all have hatched. The eggs should hatch after 18 days.

What happens if your parakeets have eggs inside them?

Your goin to have baby parakeets ?? Obviously!

How do parakeets get eggs?

The bird lays them.

How do parakeets have babies?

They lay eggs

Do male Parakeets lay eggs?


How does laying a few eggs help birds in survival?

The more eggs laid in a clutch, the more, hopefully, chicks will survive to reach breeding adulthood.

What is a birds clutch?

This means the nest of eggs. Clutch of eggs.

Is clutch the collective noun for eggs?

Yes, the noun 'clutch' is the standard collective noun for 'eggs' (a clutch of eggs).

Why do parakeets sometimes reject their eggs?

Parakeets will sometimes reject their eggs because of stress or if they believe their cage is not large enough. They may crack their own eggs or simply abandon them.