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Q: How many eggs will feed two people?
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Why do people think that duckbill platyapus aren't mammals?

Because they lay eggs. A mammal doesn't lay eggs but the Duckbill platypus and Echidna are the only two exceptions as they are mammals but lay eggs. they are considered mammals because they feed their young with milk they produce.

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Two Eggs

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Two gallons

How many people does 5 lbs of macaroni and cheese feed?

well, two punds for me usually feeds two teenagers, six adults, and 2 children, if that helps.

How many people does 6 servings feed?

Generally, a serving is considered enough for one typical person. Therefore, two servings serves two people.

Which animal lays eggs like a bird and gives milk like a cow?

There are no birds which feed their young milk. In Australia there are two animals being of the order montreme which lay eggs and feed their young milk and they are the platypus and the echidna.

How many eggs are in two and one half dozen?

30 eggs are in two and a half dozens.

What are the two positive things about crusades?

A LOT of people died. Less people to feed! The Europeans got whiped. The first time of many.

How many eggs are in two and a half dozen?

30 eggs = two and a half dozen.

How many eggs are there in two dozen?

24 eggs are the equivalent of two dozen eggs. A dozen is 12, while a baker's dozen is 13.

How many does a 9x13 cake feed?

A 9x13" cake will feed about 45 people (assuming that the cake has two layers, each layer is about 2" in height, and the slices are 1.5x2" in size).