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Q: How many elections have been decided in the House of Representatives since the electoral college system began?
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How is the election decided if neither candidate has the majority of the electoral college?

A vote in the House of Representatives

If there is a tie or no majorit in the electoral college votes how is it decided who would be president?

If the electoral college is not able to elect a President, the election goes to the House of Representatives.

Does the electoral college decide the next president?

No the next president is decided by the amount of electoral votes the candidate gets. They need to have so many electoral votes to win the elections.

When has the electoral college decided a presidential election?

The electoral college has decided the outcome of several presidential elections in US history. Some notable examples include the elections of 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016. In these cases, the candidate who won the majority of the electoral college votes became the president, despite not winning the popular vote.

What 20th century elections were decided by electoral college?

Some notable 20th century elections that were ultimately decided by the electoral college include the 1960 presidential election between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, where Kennedy won by a small margin in the electoral college despite a close popular vote, and the 2000 presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, which resulted in a controversial Supreme Court ruling and Bush winning the electoral college despite losing the popular vote.

What is a presidential winner decided by?

The Electoral College.

Which three presidential elections decided by the House of Representatives?

your mom!...and dad!

Why was he elected as president?

Because the Electoral College decided to.

Who is president if Obama and Romney tie?

If there had been a 269-269 tie in the Electoral College, the election would have been decided by the U.S. House of Representatives, which is controlled by the Republican Party.

What do the presidential elections of 1800 and 1824 have in common?

Those were the only two US presidential elections that had to be decided by the US House of Representatives.

What was unique about John Quincy Adams election to the presidency?

He was elected by the House of Representatives, not the Electoral College.

The vote goes to who if the president isn't decided by the electoral college?

House of Representatives, based on 1 vote per state must have majority to decide winner, see 12th amendment