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It cast 31 electoral votes for Obama.

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Q: How many electoral votes for US President does New York cast?
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What were Mississippi's electoral votes cast for?

president and vice president

Who are the group of people that cast official votes to elect the president called?

This group is called the electoral college; its members are called electors and the votes it casts are called electoral votes.

Presidential electors cast their electoral votes in December in their hometown.?


What votes cast for presidential candidates actually elect the president?

Electoral votes are what count when electing a President into office in the U.S.A..

Why was a US Constitutional amendment required to clarify the way votes are cast in the Electoral College?

A Constitutional amendment to clarify the way votes are cast in the Electoral College was necessary because it was unclear as to which votes were for the president and which votes were for the vice president. This was accomplished through the Twelfth Amendment.

How is the president voted int office?

The President is voted into office by way of the electoral college. The people cast their votes and based on their votes the electors vote for President.

How many electoral votes did Chester A Arthur get?

In the 1880 presidential election separates electoral votes were cast for president and for vice president. In the presidential election James Garfield received 214 electoral votes and Winfield Hancock received 155 electoral votes. In the vice presidential election Chester Arthur received 214 electoral votes and Winfield Hancock received 155 electoral votes. Chester Arthur succeeded James Garfield upon the latter's assassination.

How many votes does Utah have?

Utah has one vote per resident age 18 or over. In the past 2008 presidential election, Utah cast 952,370 votes for president, translating into 5 electoral votes. Utah has 6 electoral votes in the 2012 presidential election.

If Clay would have won this state in 1844 he'd have been president instead of Polk?

New York, worth 36 electoral votes. If Clay had won New York the electoral vote would have been 134 for Polk to 141 for Clay instead of 170 to 105. Clay lost New York with 232,482 votes to Polk's 237,588 votes, a difference of 5,106 votes, a little more than 1% of the vote cast in New York.

How many electoral votes must a canidate win to be elected president?

A Presidential candidate must obtain 270 Electoral Votes (the vote cast in the electoral college of the U.S. by the representatives of each state in a presidential election) to be elected President of the United States.

Who received the second largest amount of electoral votes in the 1796 election?

George Washington was reelected president in 1792 and John Adams was reelected vice-president. According to the prevailing rules of electoral college voting at that time, electors cast votes for two persons. Electors could not distinguish between their presidential and vice-presidential choices. The recipient of the most electoral votes would become president and the runner-up vice-president. George Washington received 132 electoral votes and John Adams received 77 electoral votes. Others receiving electoral votes were George Clinton (50), Thomas Jefferson (4), Aaron Burr (1)

Where are votes cast by the electoral college sent?

The votes of the electoral college are officially counted by the Congress. Each state also counts their own ballots.