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Q: How many electrons are necessary to form a single bond?
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What are number electrons that form a single bond?

Two electrons are involved in forming a single bond.

What is the number of electrons that form a single covalent bond?

A single covalent bond is formed by two electrons

Which electrons can form diatomic molecules joined by a single covalent bond?

The valence electrons

How many unpaired electrons do nitrogen have?

3. So it can form three single bonds OR a single bond and a double bond OR one triple bond.

What does a single straight line (-CH3) extending form an atomic symbol represent?

this means that there is a single covalent bond

What bond is formed when 2 atoms share one or more pairs of valence electrons?

When two atoms form a compound by sharing valence electrons, it is a covalent bond. This is opposed to an ionic bond which features a full transfer of electrons.

What type of chemical bond can occur in the form of single double or triple bonds?

A covalent bond. As multiple pairs of electrons can be shared.

Are metal atoms all joined together by covalent bonds?

Metals form what is known as a metallic bond. It is somewhat similar to a covalent bond in that the electrons are shared, however, in a covalent bond the electrons are shared by a single molecule, and in a metallic bond, the electrons are shared by all the metallic atoms in that particular object.

How does a covalent bond use the electrons to form a bond?

Covalent bonds share electrons.

What kind of chemical bond is formed when atoms share electrons?

When atoms share electrons, they form a chemical bond, or covalent bond.

What chemical bond occurs when atoms lose gain or share electrons?

When atoms lose and gain electrons, an ionic bond will form. When atoms share electrons, a covalent bond will form.

How many electrons would carbon have to gain to form a covalent bond?

Carbon atoms do not gain electrons to form a covalent bond. Carbon atoms form four covalent bonds by sharing its four valence electrons with the valence electrons of other atoms. These can be single bonds, in which one pair of electrons is shared; double bonds, in which two pairs of electrons are shared; or triple bonds, in which three electrons are shared; or a combination of these.