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Q: How many electrons are there in outer shells?
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What does the group of the periodic have to do with reactivity?

The table was organized so that elements of similar properties are in the same group. What (partly) determines reactivity is the number of electrons an atom has in it's ground state. . Within the atom electrons are organized in shells. Atoms are stable when they have 8 electrons in their outer shell (for hydrogen and helium it is 2 electrons.) . Elements of: Group 18 have 8 electrons in their outer shells Group 17 have 7 electrons in their outer shells Group 16 have 6 electrons in their outer shells Group 15 have 5 electrons in their outer shells Group 14 have 4 electrons in their outer shells Group 13 have 3 electrons in their outer shells Groups 3-12 have varied number of electrons in their outer shells Group 2 have 2 electrons in their outer shells Group 1 have 1 electron in their outer shells

How many electrons are in the outer electron level of the halogen?

7 electrons are on the outer (valence) shells of all halogens

How many outer shells does beryllium have?

Beryllium has one outer electron shell with two electrons.

How many electrons are in the outer shells of copper?

The outer shell (N=4) of the copper element has 2 electrons.

How many does hydrogen electrons in the outer shells?

Hydrogen has only one valence electrons.

When atoms become ions their outer most shells of electrons become?

they add or loose electrons from the outer most shells

How many shells does berkelium have?

Berkelium has two electrons on the outer shell.

What is the most important factor in an elements place in the periodic table?

Its elemental weight

Noble gases have how many electrons in their outer shells?

They have 8 electrons on the outermost shell, also known as valence.

How many electron shells does chromium have?

Chromium has two electrons in the outer most shell.

How many shells does oxygen have?