

How many electrons can be in the S orbital?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The S orbital contains a maximum of two electrons

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Q: How many electrons can be in the S orbital?
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S orbital contains how many elements?

S orbital contains only 2 electrons and not elements.

How many vaelence electrons does gold have?

It has two valence electrons in the S orbital

What is the maximum number of electrons that are contained in as s orbital?

An s orbital can have a maximum of two electrons.

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there r 2 electrons in the s orbital, their r 6 electrons in p orbital , their r 10 electron's in the d orbital and 14 electrons in f orbital.

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helium has 2 valence electrons (in s orbital) and has complete s orbital. So it does not need to gain or lose more electrons to be stable.

What is the full form of s orbital?

The s-orbital can hold 2 electrons at maximum.

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There will be 6 electrons in the full second orbital, being that- s=2 p=6 d=10 f=14

How many electrons cana s orbital of a given energy level hold?

Two electrons of opposite spin

In How many energy levels are the electrons of magnesium?

Magnesium (Mg) has two electrons in it's lowest (s) orbital.

Does helium have the maximum number of valence electrons in its outer shell?

Yes it does. Helium has 2 electrons in the s orbital. A s orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons.

How many electrons can the S sublevel hold?

there are two electons in the s sublevel. It is the number of electrons that fit in the first orbital around an atom.

How many elements does the s orbital have?

Orbitals don't contain elements. The elements each have specific orbitals based on the number of electrons it has. All of the elements have at least one s orbital. Hydrogen being the simplest element has one electron in the 1s orbital. The s orbital can contain a maximum of 2 electrons.