

How many electron can occupy an orbital?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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2 at the most

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Q: How many electron can occupy an orbital?
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A spherical electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus best represents what?

A spherical electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus would best represent an s orbital. A maximum of 2 electrons can occupy an orbital.

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Electrons enter the orbitals on the basis of increasing energy of sub-shells. Also, when an electron occupies an orbital another electron cannot occupy that orbital until all other orbitals of that sub-shell have atleast 1 electron.

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An electron in a 2s orbital is on average closer to the nucleus.

Can two electrons occupy a single orbital?

of course they can. They have to be of opposite spin and two is the maximum number that can occupy one orbital.

The sp3d2 atomic hybrid orbital set accommodates how many electron PAIRS?

there r 2 electrons in the s orbital, their r 6 electrons in p orbital , their r 10 electron's in the d orbital and 14 electrons in f orbital.

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Fluorine in its elemental stage has 1 unpaired electron. ( 2p5 orbital has one unpaired electron in 2p orbital)

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The specific orbital the electron is in

Paired electrons are represented by what dots?

An electron pair are two electrons which occupy the same orbital in an atom or molecule. Paired electrons are represented by two dots.