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Selenium needs to gain two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. By gaining two electrons, selenium will have a complete outer energy level (valence shell), which is the most stable configuration for an atom.

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Q: How many electrons does selenium need to lose or gain to be stable?
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How many electrons will selenium lose or gain in forming an ion?

Selenium may lose 2, 4 or 6 electrons and may gain 2 electrons.

How many electrons selenium would arsenic lose or gain when forming an ion?

Selenium typically gains two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, forming the Se2- ion. Arsenic typically loses three electrons to achieve a Noble Gas electron configuration and forms the As3+ ion.

How many electrons does selenium gain or lose in forming an ion?

Selenium typically gains two electrons to form an ion with a charge of -2.

In order to form an octet an atom of selenium will lose or gain?

An atom of selenium will gain two electrons to achieve an octet because it has six valence electrons in its outer shell. By gaining these two electrons, selenium will have a total of eight electrons in its outer shell, fulfilling the octet rule.

How many electrons can selenium lose and gain?

The oxidation states of selenium are: 1 to 6 and -1, -2.

Do metals usually gain or loose electrons to be stable?

Metals will LOSE electrons to become stable.

How electrons will magnesium gain or lose to become stable?

lose 2

Why lose or gain electrons?

Compounds will gain or lose electrons in order to reach a more stable state, ideally a full valence shell.

How many electrons does sulfur gain or lose to become stable?

Sulfur gains 2 electrons to become stable, forming the sulfide ion (S2-). This allows sulfur to achieve a full outer electron shell, following the octet rule.

Why do you think atoms lose electrons to or gain electrons from other atoms?

to become stable

Atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve?

A stable electron configuration.

Typically atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve what?

Stable I think.