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Selenium will gain two electrons and arsenic will gain three electrons

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Q: How many electrons selenium would arsenic lose or gain when forming an ion?
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How do you tell that there is 33 electrons in arsenic?

A neutral atom has equal numbers of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons. The atomic number of an element is its number of protons. Arsenic's atomic number is 33, so atoms of arsenic have 33 protons. A neutral atom of arsenic would then also have 33 electrons.

How many electrons are in an atom with 33 protons and 42 neutrons?

That atom is Arsenic. It would have 33 electrons.

How many electrons does AS3- have?

Atomic number of arsenic is 33 so that would leave you with 36 electrons

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Selenium with 6-Valence electrons

Compare the number of valence electrons on oxygen atom has with number of valence electrons a selenium atom has Are oxygen and selenium in the same period or group?

They both have 6 valence electrons. Oxygen and Selenium are in the same group.

What would have to gain two electrons in order to achieve the same number of electrons as a noble gas O or Sr or Na or Se or Br?

Oxygen, O ,and selenium Se. O (oxygen) would have to gain two electrons in order to achieve the same number of electrons as Ne (neon, a noble gas). Selenium would gain two to achieve the same number of electrons as Kr, krypton (noble gas). They would form the oxide, O2- and selenide Se2- ions

What is the number of electrons an atom would gain or loose when forming ionic bonds?

The number of electrons is specific for each element.

What combinations of minerals are good or bad together?

Iron, in the form of ferrous sulfate, combined with selenium, can be helpful for patients with diabetes who have anemic conditions. On the other hand, arsenic and lead would be bad together.

Would beryllium tend to lose two electrons or gain six when forming bonds?

Beryllium would tend to lose its two electrons when forming a bond because it is easier to lose its two valence electrons rather than gain an additional five in order to obtain a full outer shell.

What is the Lewis Structure for selenium tetra hydride?

Since Selenium is in the same column as Oxygen and Sulfur, you would expect it to bond just like them. As a halogen, chlorine wants to make one bond so your final answer would be. Cl-Se-Cl with two lone pairs (that's 4 electrons) on selenium and 3 lone pairs (that's six electrons) on EACH chlorine.

What type of Bond does arsenic form?

The element Arsenic would be expected to form 3 covalent bonds in order to obey the octet rule. As is a nonmetal in group 5A, and therefore has 5 valence electrons. In order to obey the octet rule, it needs to gain 3electrons. It can do this by forming 3 single covalent bonds.