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Q: How many electrons would the element calcium need to be electrically neutral?
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How do you calculate number of electrons of a given element?

You can only be sure of the number of electrons if the element is electrically neutral. If an element is electrically neutral, then the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons which is the atomic number of the element. For instance an electrically neutral atom of carbon, there are 6 electrons because there are 6 protons in a carbon atom.

How do you find the number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom for calcium?

To find this out, it's really easy. Simply look on a periodic table for the proton number of the element in question. In this case, Ca = 20. Protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged. Therefore, in an electrically- neutral Ca atom, there are 20 electrons.

How many electrons does silver have when it is electrically neutral?

When it is electrically neutral, it has 47 electrons.

In an electrically neutral atom of any element there are equal of?

The number of protons and electrons is equal.

An electrically neutral is what?

an electrically neutral atom is just an atom. Atoms with more or fewer electrons (negatively charged) compared with their protons (which determines the element) are considered ions.

What scientific element has 20 electrons?

Calcium has twenty electrons in each atom.

Do Eletrically neutral element have equal numbers of electrons and neutrons?

Electrically neutral elements have equal numbers of electrons and protons. A stable element has equal numbers of protons and neutrons. Thus, the answer to the question ''Do Eletrically neutral element have equal numbers of electrons and neutrons?'' depends on the stability of the element i.e. if stable then yes and if unstable than might not.

What is an example of an electrically neutral atom?

An electrically neutral atom is one that has an equal number of protons and electrons.

What do atoms of the same element have the same number of?

An Isotope has the same number of Protons (and thus electrons in its electrically neutral state) but a different number of Neutrons. Ergo, an element is defined by the number of Protons in its nucleus.

What is number of electrons for calcium?

A neutral atom of calcium has 20 electrons

Why atom are electrically neutral?

because the electrons and protons are equal.

Why is an atom electrically neutral?

An atom has the same number of positive protons and negative electrons so the charges balance out to zero