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Q: How many elements does the first energy level s orbitals contains?
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How are orbitals and energy levels related?

The principal quantum number, n, designates the main energy levels occupied by electrons. The number of orbitals in an energy level is n2 (n squared), so that the first energy level, n = 1, contains 1 orbital; the second energy level, n = 2, contains 4 orbitals; the third energy level, n= 3, has 9 orbitals; and the fourth energy level, n=4, has 16 orbitals, and so on.

How many valence electrons are in N2?

The third energy level contains one s orbital and three p orbitals.

The first period in the peroidical table represents elements that possese elements only the first energy level is orbital thefore this perid contains?

two elements, hydrogen and helium.

How many orbitals does sulfur have?

Sulfur has three electron orbitals. The first orbital contains 2 electrons, the second contains 8 and the third contains 6.

The first period in the periodic table represents elements that possess only the first energy level s orbital therefore this period contains?

Two elements

What are the electron levels?

Electrons don't have levels. They have shells and orbitals. Each shell contains certain orbitals. For example, the first shell contains only the s orbital. The second contains the s and p orbital. The fourth shell has the s, p, and d orbitals.

The first period in the periodic table represents elements that possess only the first energy level s orbital therefore this period contains elements?

hydrogen and helium

The order in which atomic orbitals are filled is based on what factor?

It is based on many factors, but the easiest to understand is ENERGY. The orbitals in which the electron has the lowest energy are filled FIRST.

How many orbitals in first energy level?

One only - 1s.

How many orbitals in the first energy level?

One only - 1s.

The electrons to enter orbitals of lowest energy first?

Aufbau principle

Since the first energy level contains only the 1s sublevel the number of elements in this period is?