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167. Unfortunately there are only 134 left in the wild and as zoos are unwilling to provide elephants for this experiment due to "animal rights issues" this particular feat is now impossible. :(

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Q: How many elephants dose it take to reach space?
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Many elephants have been known to reach 70 and over.

How many minutes dose it take the sun's light to reach Earth?

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How many miles can an elephant run an hour?

2 miles CORRECT ANSWER: Elephants can reach speeds up to 15 m.p.h.

What is the different between an African and Asian elephant?

There are many differences between African and Asian elephants. Firstly, Asian elephants have more hair, they have a hump, their trunks have three fingers, and African elephants have two. Also, African elephants ears are the shape of Africa, and Asian elephants are smaller and the shape on India.

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I think it the space marines have about 580 points. Have a happy wargame

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their are 2 types of elephants. Their are African elephants and Asian elephants too.

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Why do space crafts need to be invented?

Because humans have a need to reach space, and there is no other way to reach space. Reaching space has many benefits, including communication, navigation, mapping and exploration. New space crafts are constantly being invented because new technology allows for safer and more efficient space crafts.