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Q: How many energy shells are in bromine?
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How many shells do bromine have?


How many electron shells does bromine have?


How many energy levels does bromine have?

Bromine has FOUR energy Levels.

Why does bromine have higher ionization energy then lead?

Bromine has less valence shells than lead making the distance between its valence electron and its nucleus less than that of lead. This means that there is greater attraction between the nucleus and electron for bromine and it requires a higher ionisation energy to remove its electron.

How Many electrons does bromine have in its outermost energy level?

7, since bromine is a halogen

Is a chlorine atom larger than a bromine?

Chlorine is in 3rd period and 17th group bromine is in 4th period and 17th group. The number of shells present in an atom is equal to the period no. In which it is present. So, chlorine has 3 shells while bromine has 4 shells. And atomis size is the distance between centre of nucleus and outermost shell. So, bromine atom is larger than bromine atom..

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Berkelium has seven electron shells.

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Which is smaller in radius bromine or sodium?

Sodium(Na) has smaller radius than Bromine because Na has less number of shells.

How many electrons nitrogen has in its outer energy level and how many does bromine have?

Nitrogen has 5 electrons in its outer shell, and Bromine has 7 electrons in its outer shell.