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Q: How many eyes does a dolphin has?
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Do dolphin's eyes itch?

I think no.

Is the pink dolphin the same as the Chinese river dolphin?

No, The Chinese dolphin is its own kind. The pink dolphin is a Albino dolphin thus being very pale comming off as a baby pink, and having red eyes.

How wolves and bats and dolphin alike?

They all have eyes and they all can eat.

How many stomachs does a dolphin have?

A dolphin has 3!

How many babies can Hector's dolphins have at one time?

how many babies can a dolphin have ? ? how many babies can a dolphin have ? ? how many babies can a dolphin have ? ? how many babies can a dolphin have ? ?

What is the dolphins eye color?

sometimes they are black and other times they are blue. The dolphin's eye is somewhat similar to our eyes. The center is black with a slight variance of color usually blue or flicked with brown. They have a brownish tan where our eyes are white. The pink or albino dolphin has black eyes with some blue around the center.

Does bottlenose dolphin have eyes?

No, they only have a nose on their face, which, ironically, is shaped like a bottle.

Do dolphin's sleep underwater?

they sleep for about 2 through 2 hours with their eyes open

How many teeth has a dolphin?

yes a dolphin has teeth yes a dolphin has teeth

How many dolphin books are there?

there are 881 known dolphin books

How do pink dolphin hibernate?

they have thermal imaging eyes, basically they're heat seeking.

Who is giselle is dolphin bay ele?

Will.... There many Giselle's in dolphin bay, some may be mean and some may be nice. Some kids in dolphin bay many not like some giselle in dolphin bay.