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Q: How many factories were in Hiroshima and Nagisaki?
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Related questions

How many people died in nagisaki?

Around 180,000.

How many factories were bombed in World War 2?

Only 2: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What major event happend in world war 2?

We bomed Hiroshima and Nagisaki and also Hitler formed the Nazi party because he blamed Germany for the Economic problems

When was the Atomic Bomb invented and used?

It was finished in the 1940s and has been tested at various places since then. The most notable uses were at Nagisaki and Hiroshima Japan - August 1945.

Why are nukes bad for countries?

nukes are not "bad for countries" but they have devistating side affects, for example: the cities of nagisaki and hiroshima are still highly radiated due to the original atomic bombs which were droped there.

What brought the Japanese surrender and the end of World War 2?

the atomic bomb being dropped by the United States on Hiroshima

Why was Hiroshima chosen as the target for dropping the atomic bomb?

It had some ammunition factories and an army base.

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What occurred at Horishma and Nagisaki?

During the final stages of World War II in August 1945, Atomic bombings were conducted by the United states Air force at Horishma and Nagisaki.

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What are the landforms in Hiroshima?

Hiroshima is mostly flat with many marine ports.

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