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Q: How many fair trade clothes company's?
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hiyaa u okiaaa what is Why is fair trade important

How many fair trade tea do you get?

about 3

How many countries does fair trade?


What businesses sell Fair Trade products?

There are many different companies that sell Fair Trade products. A few of the most common companies that sell Fair Trade products are Avon, Domino Foods Incorporated, General Mills and many more that are listed on the Fair Trade website under the Products & Partners section.

What fabrics are fair trade?

Fair trade means that if would be ideal for the third world producers! There are all sorts of fair trade products like:Silk,cotton,linen,coffie beans,choclate and many more items the list can go on for ages.It is fair that every one has a fair trade in trading

How many fair trade stores are there in the US?


Which is the most popular Trade Fair in the USA?

As to what was the most popular trade fair depends on the individual tastes of the attendee. To view the many different trade fairs that occur throughout the year in the USA, go to the official website of the Fair Trade Federation.

Is it only cocoa farmers that are involved with fair trade?

is it only cocoa farmer that ae involved in fair trade

How many digital camera companys are there?

26 companys

How many workers pick fair trade bananas?

A lot

What are the difference between fair trade and normal trade?

fair trade is better and makes sure everyone gets paid fairly but in normal trade many people don't get paid fairly and that causes a problem

How many fair trade products are there?

over 3,000 products from flowers to coffe.