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Q: How many feathers dose an African penguin have?
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How many feathers do an adult penguin have?

It is told that penguins have around 5000 feathers by maturaty and these feathers change completely in a two year cycle

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How many socks dose g own on club pengUIN 2011?


How many feathers dose a grown turkey have?

Mature turkeys have approximately 3,500 feathers.

How many babies does an African penguin have each year?

1 each year

Dose a owl have thick feathers?

Owls have many feathers, making a thick 'overcoat' which is to some extents weatherproof, owls also have a fine down underneath the top feathers, which keeps them warm. The feathers make the owl look much bigger than the actual body size.

What is the answer to g's question Club Penguin about how many socks dose he have?

there are different and you have to go pet shop to unlock the code

How many pairs of socks dose mr g own club penguin?

G has 33 pairs of socks.

How many mega bites dose club penguin take up?

I dont know the exact amount but i think its like 2000+

How many types of Antarctic penguins are there?

The emperor penguin is the only penguin that breeds during the winter in Antarctica, while the Adélie penguin breeds farther south than any other penguin. The rockhopper penguin has distinctive feathers around the eyes, giving the appearance of elaborate eyelashes. King penguins, chinstrap penguins, and gentoo penguins also breed in the Antarctic.