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Q: How many fermentation are there?
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Why does fermentation not occur in plants?

it does occur in plants. alcoholic fermentation is a type of fermentation that many plants go through

What is an energy-releasing process that takes place in some yeasts and bacteria?

Yeast cells and many bacteria obtain energy from the process of fermentation.

How many molecules of ATP dose fermentation yield?

Two net molecules of ATP per fermentation cycle.

What does bread have to do with fermentation?

The production of Alcoholic Beverages, bread, sauerkraut, vinegar, and many other foods involves fermentation.

What is malolactic fermentation?

Malolactic fermentation is a secondary fermentation where malic acid is turned into lactic acid by the Oenococcus oenibacterium. Many California Chardonnays exhibit the fully-bodied, buttery charateristics of malolactic fermentation. Wikipedia has a good article on the subject.

What does alcoholic fermentation have to do with bread?

The production of alcoholic beverages, bread, sauerkraut, vinegar, and many other foods involves fermentation.

What types of fermentation are there?

Alchoholic fermentation and Lactic Acid fermentation

How many number of steps in process for fermentation?


What is biostill fermentation?

in the biostil fermentation the fermentation and distillation are coupled.

Why is fermentation mportant?

Without it - many foods would be unpalatable - or impossible. Fermentation plays a part in the production of beer, wine, vinegar & bread !

How do humans use fermentation?

Humans use alcoholic fermentation to produce beverages, foods, industrial liquids and many other important products.

Is fermentation aerobic?

There are different kinds of fermentation, and fermentation can be aerobic, or anaerobic.