

How many foals can shetland ponys have at once?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Shetland ponies, like all equine typically can only have one foal at a time, however they can have twins and triplets. Multiple births in equines are quite rare and can cause problems with both the mare and the foals.

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Q: How many foals can shetland ponys have at once?
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How many ponies does a horses have in a year?

Do you mean how many FOALS can a horse have in a year? Mares can be pregnant once per year. It takes 11 months for the foal to be completely formed in the belly.

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Twins are rare, let alone more foals at once. But if your asking if a mare could give birth to 4 foals in her lifetime then yes a healthy one is very capable of doing that.

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Mare's can have foals about once every year and a half.

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I think you may be confusing the term "pony" with the term for a baby horse which is a "foal". A pony is actually an entirely different subspecies of equine that is typically smaller than a horse. The gestation length for a horse is 11months, so mathematically a horse can give birth once a year after they have reached puberty which is around 2 years old. They usually are too old to carry a foal when they have reached the age of 20. So, mathematically a horse could have around 18 foals during her lifetime. However, most mares that are used only for breeding have around 10 - 15 foals during their life.

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Ponies will have a heat cycle every 2 to 3 weeks during the longer, warmer months of spring and summer. If they are not bred or do not conceive once they are bred they will go back into heat within a week or so.

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A baby male horse is called a colt. A colt is 4 years and under. A male horse that is over 4 years of age is called a stallion. once a stallion is gelded so it can't sire foals is called a gelding. A baby male horse is called a colt. A colt is 4 years and under. A male horse that is over 4 years of age is called a stallion. once a stallion is gelded so it can't sire foals is called a gelding. A baby male horse is called a colt. A colt is 4 years and under. A male horse that is over 4 years of age is called a stallion. once a stallion is gelded so it can't sire foals is called a gelding.

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