

How many gay people are in relationships?

Updated: 8/17/2020
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14y ago

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to find out how many gay people are in relationships, one must find out how many gay people there are in the world. Which is next to impossible because there are sill many homosexuals who still refuse to come out of the closet.

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Gay people can be happy. Many gay guys that are in relationships are usually happy. I'm gay and happy and single. Sometimes I am not happy but only because I feel lonely.

Why do gay people intend to have gay relationships?

For the same reason heterosexuals intend to have heterosexual relationships.

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No. While they claim to accept everyone, they won't tolerate gay people who are sexually active and/or gay people in relationships.

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Yes, of course you can. They are ordinary people who engage in gay rather than hetero relationships.

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No. There are no stories of gay couples in the Bible, though there are people who have interpreted some Biblical relationships as gay, such as the relationship between David and Jonathan.

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It depends on where you live, but for the most part, no, gay people have far fewer rights.

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Many LGBT people find their match through dating apps and local clubs. Also,some find them at the pride festival

How can you be gay?

Generally, you are either gay or you are not. Current thinking is that you are born gay. If people are born gay, then they have absolutely no control over this attraction. Heterosexual relationships are just as confusing to gay people as homosexual relationships are to straight people. Gay people are just as likely to lead happy life and do have loving relationships as straight people. People tend to be critical of gay folks due to their religious beliefs, lack of knowledge on the subject or fear of homosexuality. At the end of the day LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual) are normal people who just want to live their lives the way they are. They do not want to "convert" straight people or commit various immoral acts that they've been falsely accused of over the years..

Why are there many gay people?

There aren't many gay people. Only about 3% to 8% of the population is gay.

What are the health risks associated with gay relationships?

Note: this question is asking about the health risks of relationships, and not the health risks of sexual practices.There are no specific health risks associated with gay relationships. There are only health risks associated with unsafe sex (of any orientation), and there are health risks that stem from domestic abuse (of any orientation)Gay relationships are just as healthy as straight relationships. They have been shown in many studies to promote the psychological well being of the partners.Married couples (gay or straight) tend to live longer than single people, and suffer from fewer bouts of depression and anxiety.

Is Cliff Richards gay?

Sir Cliff is not gay. He has stated in various interviews he is not. He has had many relationships with very famous woman. He is straight.

Are gay people real people?

Yes, gay people are real people. The only difference is they form intimate relationships with the same sex and that is a private matter between themselves and any partner they should choose. Most gay people fall in love and have monogamous relationships; they work; pay taxes; are family orientated and other than their sexual orientation, they are no different than people who are straight (like the opposite sex.)