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Q: How many genes are invoved in the height o human?
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How many genes account for human height?

55 orthologous genes are associated with human height

What inheritance pattern best explains how genes influence human height?

In humans, height is governed by polygenic inheritance, which means that many different genes contribute to a person's height, rather than just one.

How many genes are there in a human cells?

The human genome contains about 24,000 genes.

How many genes are present in human body?

There are estimated to be 26000 genes after completing the human genome project.

How many genes are there in DNA?

Different species have different numbers of genes. About 1.5% of human DNA is genes - and it is estimated that there are around 23,000 protein-coding genes.

Why do some human traits such as height and hair color show a large numbers of phenotype?

These type of traits are distributed normally because the are the result of polygenic expression; many genes contributing to a trait So, due to recombination, there can be almost any combination of genes contributing to a trait. In the case of height there may be up to 8 genes contributing to human height. 8! = 40,320 combinations of these 8 genes. So height is distributed in expression instead of discrete, though gene combinations that would make humans extremely tall, or extremely small are, most usually, selected against. See a normal distribution of heights picture online.

How many genes are in a human gemone?

Approximately 25000

How many genes do yo have?

The Human Genome Project discovered that humans have about 24 000 genes.

How many genes did scientists expect to identify during the Human Genome Project?

40,000 genes

How many genes do Human Genome Project estimates that humans have?

around 30,000-40,000 genes.

Do human cells have 46 genes?

No. The human cell has 23 chromosome pairs (total 46 chromosomes). Each chromosome has many genes.

What three ways are human traits controlled?

Human traits are controlled by a combination of genetic factors (inherited from parents), environmental factors (such as diet and lifestyle), and epigenetic factors (changes in gene expression without changes in the underlying DNA sequence). These factors interact in complex ways to influence the development and expression of human traits.