

How many giant squid are there in New Zealand?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Tecniclly yes, but they live all over the Atlantic Ocean.

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Q: How many giant squid are there in New Zealand?
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Which is heavier giant squid or colossal squid?

Colossal squid are bigger and wider than giant squid, so they are probably heavier.Colossal squids (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) are not only bigger than the giant squids (Architeuthis dux), but MUCH heavier.The only colossal squid caught alive, by New Zealand fishermen, was 495 kg.The heaviest giant squid was «only» 275 kg (estimate)...

How big is the giant squid in new zealand?

The giant Squid grows to at least 13m from tail to tentacle tip, weighs about 300kg, and has eyes 300mm across. There may be a larger one of which a juvenile was 15m in length.

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The biggest squid in the world is the colossal squid.

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The collosal squid is the biggest one was found in New Zealand and it was estimated about 10 metres.

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What is a Kraken?

A Kraken is a huge sea monster in Norwegian Greek legend that looks like a giant octopus or giant squid. The legend may very well be born from rare occurrences of giant squid coming to the surface and attacking ships; Sperm whales are known to hunt down and eat giant squid. This giant squid theory seems unlikely though as a giant squid would probably die from the changing pressures before reaching the surface. I think it's a giant squid. A3 I believe I read that the Kraken was one of the "Titans". I think the Titans preceeded humanity here on earth, according to legend (the Greeks or Romans?), and all had been nearly killed off when humans became the primary and dominant species on earth. I think it was a sea monster, under the control of the God of the Sea, Poisedon. A4 Its one of the "Titans" A giant squid-like creature that would bring man down underwater and down to their dooms. A5 the kraken is a Scandinavian legend people think its a giant squid, i think its cousin the colossal squid and yes the would die before reaching the surface but in 2007 a new zealand fishing boat did their last cast they caught a fish but while reallying up the fish something bit on something big they found the first live colossal squid and that squid was not happy but the got it to new zealand. there is also the devil fish a giant octopus

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Where does a giant weta live in new zealand?

its found everywhere

What do animals use the Kauri tree for?

These giant conifers are a part of the original native, indigenous New Zealand flora and form part of the habitat for many New Zealand fauna.

Where in New Zealand do coconuts grow?

In giant land you person

Is there a difference between the Kraken and the Giant Squid?

No. The colossal squid is the largest type of squid in the world. Females, that is. An adult female colossal squid is LARGEST squid in the world!ya der iz proof of kraken big old squid draggin ships down to ground 80 feet bigger than itty bitty colossal squidy