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In the traditional sense of a God, as a high deity that reigns above and rules over the lives of men, there really aren't any. The Maori people revere their elders and ancestors, not as gods, but as inspiration. They view warfare and battle as the true path to enlightenment. The common belief is that honor in battle brings 'Mana', a form of spiritual energy. This was true until the early 1800's, when many Maori people accepted Christianity. Many others (to this day) adopt the Islam faith (and it is the fastest growing religion to the Maori tribes).

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2d ago

Māori spirituality includes a pantheon of gods and goddesses called atua, with a hierarchy of major and minor deities. There is no specific number as the list can differ between Māori tribes and regions, but common atua include Tāne, Tāwhirimatea, and Tangaroa.

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