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usually guinea pigs have litters of 1-4 babies

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Related questions

How many deliveries can a guinea pig have?

2-3 guinea pigs at a time.

Why do guinea pigs 'bop' you?

Guinea pigs do this when they are excited and recognise what is about to happen like feeding time or handling

How much guinea pigs can a mommy guinea pig have at the same time?

usually 1-4 bu as many as 7

How many young can the female have at one time guinea pigs?

2 to 6 babies.

Are there legends about the Guinea Pig?

Back in roman time people believed that guinea pigs are the evil twin of regular pigs.

Is a guinea pig day time?

Yes, Guinea Pigs are day time animals x

Is it fatal for guinea pigs to have rashes?

Not all the time!

How often do guinea pigs poo?

All the time.

Do guinea pigs teath?

Yes, all the time.

Can guinea pigs get fevers?

Guinea pigs can catch a cold from you.I don't recommend spending a lot of time with your pig when you are sick.

Why do guinea pigs stop still?

Usually, and most of the time, Guinea Pigs will stop what they are doing and stand still, when they are: Frightened, Curious, and when they hear an un-farmiliar noise. This is totally normal for any guinea pig to do, so don't be worried if your piggy is eating and stops still for a second or two.

When do guinea pigs sieep?

guinea pigs sleep at night time , but a round 7;30 pm they get most active . that will laast about 56 min.