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Q: How many hoodies are sold worldwide in a year?
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How many hoodies are sold each year in the US and all over the world?

There is no specific data on the exact number of hoodies sold each year in the US or worldwide. However, hoodies are a popular clothing item, with millions sold annually in the US alone. Globally, the number is likely in the tens of millions.

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28 721 that's in a year worldwide is 568 347 00

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Impossible to answer - since there are no 'league tables' of who has sold what mobile handsets.

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about 100 million per year or more

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The Amount Of CD Players That Are Sold Every Year Are 120,000,000 Roughly. There You Go

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In 2011 the last year for statistics there were 59,929,016 cars produced and sold. In 2012 that will top 60 million.

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28 721 that's in a year worldwide is 568 347 00

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It is difficult to provide an exact number, as sales figures can vary year to year and by region. However, on average, millions of bicycle helmets are sold worldwide each year.

How many playstation 3 consoles were sold in 2007?

9.1 million were sold worldwide in FY2007 It is estimated that Calendar year sales were less by about a half million