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Q: How many hoola hoop crisps would you need to get to the moon?
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How many calories burned during hula hoop use?

I'm not sure exactly how many but I do know that hula hooping is not a very active activity so if you are doing that to burn your calories you should be doing that for a very long amount of time and/or another active sport/activity.

How many genes in our body?

48 hoola

Who invented the hoola hoop and frisbee?

Hooping is an ancient form of entertainment with no one person or company actually able to claim they invented the first hula hoop. Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin of the Wham-O company reinvented the Hula Hoop in 1958 after hearing how much children in Australia enjoyed playing with bamboo hoops.

How many genes present in our body?

48 hoola

What are the names of some brands that produce hoola hoops?

There are many brands that produce hula hoops. Some brands include Wham-O, Hula Hoop, and Hula Hoops. However, many hula hoops today do not have brands. Instead, they are mass produced without any brands.

How many gallons are in a packet of crisps?

Crisps are not measured as a volume but as a mass.The conversion is not possible.

How many poops are in the hoop?

There are approximately 6 poops in the hoop.(: Hope it helped.

How many flavors of phileas fogg crisps?


Do you put weight on eating loads of crisps what about eating 10 20 packets a week?

You might gain weight, but eating that many crisps would be very unhealthy. It would be much better to eat a healthy, balanced diet that included more calories than normal.

Which word is wrong in this sentence 'A packet of crisps were found on the bench'?

The word that is wrong is 'were'The reason that it is wrong is that the subject of the sentence 'A packet of crisps' is singular (it refers to one packetnot the many crisps in the packet) while the verb 'were found' refers to the plural (i.e they were found). As there is only one packet of crisps 'was found' the singular should be used (i.e. it was found). The sentence should therefore read:-"A packet of crisps was found on the bench."

How many centimeters is the official height of a basketball hoop?

The official height of a basketball hoop is 10 feet which is 300cm.

How many meters is a basketball hoop?
