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Q: How many hours after egg white cervical mucus is ovulation?
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What is the consistency of mucus during ovulation?

When you are ovulating, the consistency of your cervical mucus may seem like a raw egg white. It looks clear and slippery, as well. The volume of the mucus increases during ovulation.

Is egg white vaginal discharge a sign of ovulation?

Yes, EWCM (Egg white cervical mucus) is a sign of ovulation, and it is the best medium for sperm to live and swim in.

How do you check your cervical mucus?

After your period you will be dryer and as you get closer to ovulation mucus will gradually increase and it will be sticky and cloudy (creamy). RIGHT before you ovulate mucus will increase even more and it will become clear and very slippery, (like egg white) and stretchy. Ovulation will occur at about this time. After ovulation it will become sticky and cloudy again, and mucus will decrease.

Why do you have egg-white cervical mucus?

I'm going through the same thing; 9 days late and white CM instead... I took a test, but it was negative. Depending on how late you are, you should test. If it's negative like mine, but you still don't get it, see a doc for a blood test. I'll be making an appointment soon. Good luck! :)

What is the hormone that makes the cervical mucus viscous?

Progesterone. Witch is secreted by corpus luteum, ( white body. ) after ovulation witch occurs normally on fourteenth day of menses.

What color will cervical mucus be in early pregnancy?


Do you have cervical mucus after ovulation?

Nobody can pinpoint the exact second of conception. Sometimes the sperm reach the egg in a matter of minutes, and sometimes it takes a few days. The CM isn't as runny after the fertile period is over.

Are you ovulating when your vagina feels very wet?

No...your discharging.. It just means you're in a high state of arousal. The vagina gets naturally "lubed up" in order to prepare for sex. YES! When you ovulate you will have abundant, watery, very spipperyx, CLEAR cervical MUCUS that will make feel "WET". So the answer is a definite YES. Your cervical MUCUS: Pre-Ovulation Following the menstrual period, there is a feeling of dryness. There will be no visible mucus. Gradually, more mucus will accumulate - yellow, cloudy, or white in color and sticky to the touch. Approaching Ovulation As you approach ovulation, your cervical mucus will increase. First, there will be a moistness or stickiness to the mucus, as well as a white or cream-colored appearance. During Ovulation At ovulation, the quantity of mucus will increase greatly and the appearance will resemble "egg whites", often semitransparent. The texture will become increasingly slippery and 'stretchable'. This is your most fertile time. Following Ovulation Following ovulation, the slippery quality of the cervical mucus will decrease and the mucus will become sticky and cloudier. Post-ovulatory dryness will also ensue.

What does thick white vaginal discharge mean?

When vaginal discharge becomes thin and stretchy this is also called "egg white cervical mucus" it appears when a woman is most fertile , during ovulation week , this type of cervical discharge aids sperm to swim faster and survive longer in the reproductive system , to produce pregnancy , the stretchy vaginal discharge may come right before or during ovulation , and may last a few days after ovulation .

What's wrong if you have thick clear discharge with no smell and it always happens a week after your period and you have a lot of lower back pain with it?

I would say this has to do with ovulation. Around the time of ovulation (about day 10-14 on a 28 day cycle) you will find your cervical mucus is clear and you feel very "wet" in your vagina area. The cervical mucus aids conception by keeping the sperm alive. You will find this mucus is very slippery and stretchy. When you are not ovulating, your mucus will usually be white/cream colour and your vagina area will feel "dryer". This mucus is sticky rather than slippery. It is toxic to sperm. The lower back pain could have to do with ovulation. Some women have pain similar to menstrual pain while ovulating.

When mucus come out are you ovulating?

Cervical mucus changes are monitored for determining when ovulation occurs through the cervical mucus monitoring test. As your cycle progresses, your cervical mucus increases in volume and changes texture.Before collecting a sample, be sure to wash your hands first in order to prevent the transmission of germs.The most accurate way to collect your cervical mucus is to insert your finger into your vagina and circle your finger around your cervix or as close as you can to the cervix. This will allow you to actually collect the cervical mucus instead of just it's wetness.Monitoring the changes in cervical mucus is the only method that will not require looking back to the past few cycles for analysis, and also provide reliable results that you can trust when trying to conceive. You can do this yourself by getting a sample of your cervical secretions and stretch it between 2 of your fingers (the thumb and index finger) to test for the consistency. Examining the changes in your cervical mucus can help you pinpoint your time of ovulation and increase your chances of pregnancy.Before Ovulation (low chance of pregnancy):The first few days following menstruation, there will be little or no discharge present. You will feel dryness around your vulva. During this time, chances of getting pregnant are low.Approaching Ovulation (chance of pregnancy):The first discharge that does appear should be moist or sticky and should be white or cream in color. In the finger test, the mucus should break easily. You will only be able to pull your fingers about 1 cm apart before it breaks. During this transition time, first the mucus will become cloudy and slightly stretchy during the finger test (this means that it will still break before the fingers are stretched all the way). As time progresses, the mucus will become greater in volume.Right around ovulation (high chance of pregnancy):At this stage, mucus resembles egg whites. It is the thinnest, clearest and most abundant at this point in the cycle. Finger testing will allow the mucus to stretch quite a ways (several centimeters) before it breaks (if it breaks at all). ) The amount of this thin mucus will steadily increase until you experience your 'mucus peak'. This is the last day of this period where the chance of conception is high. It is closely tied to ovulation. During this phase, the sperm's survival rate is higher. It can survive in cervical mucus for up to 72 hours, a significantly longer time than during the rest of the cycle.After Ovulation (low chance of pregnancy):After ovulation, there is a marked change in mucus appearance. It returns to the sticky stage (does not stretch during finger test) and there is again a feeling of dryness around the vulva.One caution for this test is that sperm can be confused with the mucus secretions and you could make wrong assumptions. Also, vaginal infections, medication, and birth control can alter conditions and should be taken into consideration when examining any vaginal secretions.Simply put:DryProbably Not FertileStickyProbably Not FertileCreamyPossibly FertileWateryFertileEgg whiteMost Fertile

How many days is a women is fertile after period?

On average day 14. But it varies from woman-to-woman. When you see the slippery "egg white" cervical mucus, that is the best time to conceive. You can also use an ovulation predictor kit to determine when your most days are. Ovulation usually occurs between day 10 and day 18, depending on the length of your cycle. The fertility window lasts for about 24 hours following ovulation.