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23h 56m

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Q: How many hours and minutes does it take the earth to rotate on a daily bases?
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How much is daily sidereal time?

The daily sidereal time is approximately 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds. It is the time it takes for a particular point on the Earth to rotate 360 degrees relative to the fixed stars.

How many minutes does it take for the earth to rotate around the sun?

1 year = 525,948.766 minutes

How much does the earth rotate in 15 minutes?

in one minute the earth spins 28km, so it spins 420km in 15 minutes

How long does it take earth to make a rotation?

It takes 23 hours and 56 minutes for the earth to rotate.

How many minutes it takes the earth takes to rotate through one degree of longitude?

Roughly 4 minutes.

How many hours does it take the earth to rotate once?

23 hours and 56 minutes.

How much time does it take the Earth to rotate on its axis?

53 hours with 56 minutes

How many minutes does it take the earth to rotate through 15 degrees?

1 hour

How much time does it takes earth to rotate on its axis?

53 hours with 56 minutes

How far does the earth rotate in 15 minutes?

According to some scientists publications the average speed of the earth rotation is about 30km/s, so 15 minutes has to be 27000km

How many days does it take for the planet to rotate on there axis?

It depends which planet you mean - the Earth takes 23 hours & 56 minutes to rotate once.

Do the earth rotate on its axis on a daily basis?

Yes, the earth is actually constantly rotating 24/7 on its axis. Hope it's helpful!