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Q: How many hours does it take for a human body to start to decompose after death?
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How fast does rigormortis set in?

In the human body rigormortis starts to set in about three hours after death. The body will reach full rigormortis about 72 hours after death and then start to disappear.

How does the death of a plant help the earth?

When they die they start to decompose and as they decompose they fertilize the soil around them so it is like a natural fertilizer for the plants that might grow around that spot or on that spot so it make the soil healthier.

Can a human body decompose in cement?

Yes as a matter of fact it can. When the body is placed into the cement, there is still bodily gasses inside. They have to go some where you would imagine. When it secretes out it creates an air pocket which then gets old and starts to ferment. The body with start to decompose slower than normal but it does.

After death what happen to the jellyfish's body?

The cells that make up the body start to decompose, the carcass drifts towards the bottom of the ocean and is either eaten on the way down by a scavenger/predator or is eaten by something on the ocean floor.

What is the most common form of human remains?

The most common form of human remains is skeletal remains, as bones are the most durable part of the human body and can last for thousands of years under the right conditions. Soft tissues, such as muscles and organs, decompose relatively quickly after death.

Does nothing happen when you die?

something does happen you start to decompose and the worms and larve go through your body

If you die will your brain die too?

if you die this is primary flaccidity and lose heat called death chill within minutes blood settle lowermost part of body and color is called livor mortis 3 to 6 hours muscle start to contract 24 hours to 80 hours called secondary flaccidity oxygen cannot produce removing carbon dioxide decompose enzyme eat cells we have microorganisms no more immune system gases produced insect eat it after that it become skeleton after that it decopose into mud

Is it safe to carry a dead fetus for 3 to 4wk after death?

The abortion should happen as soons as possible since the fetus will start to decompose which will lead to infection and eventually bloodpoisioning. How soon this happens differs between women but waiting a month sounds long.

How do you decompose the exe?

Start by using a debugger with a disassembler, the you have to manually decompose the exe. Start by adding comments, then start with the function entry and return points then filling in the middle, and soon you will notice a pattern that the compiler constructs. If you know the compiler that was used, you can write code fragments to see how they compile, but you have to make your own symbols up if its a release version of the?æcode.

How do chlorofluorocarbon contribute to ozone depletion?

CFC's or chlorofluorocarbons contain chlorine or fluorine. These elements start a chain reaction in the ozone layer to react with them and decompose them into oxygen.

How do chlorofluorocarbones CFCs contribute to ozone depletion?

CFC's are fatal for ozone. They react with ozone and decompose it to destroy it.

How long will a new human being be born?

The birth of a human being can vary greatly in time. The early stages of labor for some can last a day or two, whereas for some is takes a few hours from start to finish. Most women experience labor and the birthing process for 8 to 12 hours.