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It takes 24 hours (minus about 4 minutes).

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Q: How many hours does it take for the Earth to spin around once?
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Does the sun only travel once around the earth every 24 hours?

The sun does not travel around the Earth, Earth travels around the sun. The Earth rotates once every 24 hours.

How many times does moon orbits around earth?

Once every 24 hours.

How many time does the earth turn around its own axis in 24 hours?

Once obviously...

How many times does the earth travel once?

From the point of view of the sun, the earth travels: -- once around on its axis each 24 hours -- once around in its orbit each 365 days -- to Florida at the beginning of each Winter

How many hours does it take for the moon to turn around?

To turn once on its axis takes about 27.32 Earth days. That's about 656 hours.

Does the sun rotate around the earth ever 24 hours?

The Earth orbits the Sun once every 365.25 days. The Earth spins on its axis once in 24 hours.

How long does it take for the earth to spin around at once?

24 hours

Does it take24 hours for the moon to go around the earth?

No. The Earth spins in 24 hours, but it takes the Moon about 27 DAYS to orbit the Earth once.

How many hours does it take the Earth to turn once on Its axis?

24 hours

How long does it take the earth the to roate all the way around?

The Earth rotates once on its axis every 23 hours 56 minutes - and once around the sun every 365 days 6 hours.

How long does it earth to spin around once on its axis?

twenty four hours

How long does it take for earth to spin once around it axis?

the answer is 24 hours