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A 10 year old child should be getting approximently about 2-4 hours of vidio game hours through out the door.

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Q: How many hours should a ten year old be playing video games?
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Related questions

How many hours a day should a child be playing video games?

I heard that your child is only supposed to play video games or be on the computer 1 or 2 hours a day so i i let my children play on it for 2 hours:)

Should there be a time limit when playing video games for children?

Yes, more than a couple hours isn't good

How long can your eyes last playing video games?

About 13 hours

Is playing too many video games considered an addiction?

well not playing too many video games isn't an addiciton, its when you play for hours stright

Longest time playing video games?

55 hours according to my resources.

At what age is it apropiate for men to stop playing video games?

The age that is appropriate for men to stop playing video games varies. For more information visit

Can you get addicted to video games and what are the symptoms?

Yes, you can get addicted to video games. One might spends hours and hours playing without eating or sleeping. I read an article once about a man who spent three days playing an online video game with little food and water and no sleep. He eventually passed out and died. Playing an excessive amount of video games might lead to seizures as well.

Do you think It is important to play a game?

Playing games should not be something you have to do/important. Playing video games is an entertainment thing which you should enjoy and not to be focused into.

Should children watch when playing video games?

They should, in order to see what they are doing.

How many hours does the average kid spend playing video games a week?

Between the age of 8 and 13, the average kid will play video games for about 13 hours every week. That is roughly 2 hours a day.

What is the longest video game play time?

A Korean man died after playing 50 hours of video games non-stop.

How long should kids break in between video games?

about 10 to 15 minutes per break depends on how long they have been playing the video games. if been playing for an hour break for about 30 min. eat a snack, go outside, etc. if playing for 2 hours, about 1 hour break. basically, half of the time they were playing the game for.