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Q: How many hours will sperm live in vagina if fertilization doesnot occurs?
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Where in a woman's reproductive tract does fertilization often take place?

The fertilization of the egg most often takes place in one of the fallopian tubes. Fertilization typically occurs within 24 hours of the egg being released.

Where in a womans reproductive tract does fertilization most often take place?

The fertilization of the egg most often takes place in one of the fallopian tubes. Fertilization typically occurs within 24 hours of the egg being released.

Fertilization of the human egg cell usually occurs in what?

The actual fertilization usually occurs in the fallopian tube. Fertilization occurs within 12-24 hours after ovulation. Ovulation usually takes place 14 days after your menstruation starts. Ovulation can vary from woman to woman it can happen before day 14 and after; it doesn't always have to be on day 14. Sperm can live for up 6 days in a fertile environment meaning that you can get pregnant by having sex 6 days before ovulation and one day after. leaving a 7 or 8 day window for pregnancy/fertilization to occur.

Name the place where fertilization occurs in female reproductive system?

The egg is usually fertilized in the ampulla of the uterine (Fallopian) tube. It stays there for about 24 hours, waiting for a single sperm to fertilize it.

Where fertilization takes place in animals?

The exact same way all other mammals fertilize, bulls penis (or 'turkey baster with collected semen) goes into dam's vagina and sperm meets egg! Normally they introduce a bull into a field or pen with the cows in it and he will get the job done in a short time. Its selective breeding.

How long after sex does fertilization take in humans?

7 hours

What is germinal period?

Germinal period is within the 36 hours of fertilization. This where the cells division that place of fertilization to 2-3 weeks.

How does it usually take for conception and fertilization?

72 hours to fertilize an egg

What phase of the cell does Cleavage begin?

it begins 36 hours after fertilization

When does pregnancy implementation occur?

You mean "implantation" I think, which happens usually about 72 hours after fertilization.

How long is a female egg susceptible for fertilization once it enters the oviducts?

6 to 24 hours

Can fertilization occur the same day a women starts her period?

No. By the time a woman is due to menstruate the egg released earlier in her cycle is long dead - typically ovulation occurs 14 days before menstruation, and at most there will only be a viable egg for up to 48 hours after ovulation.