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I don't know the exact number of humans that have been killed by Hyenas, but I do know that they have a very strong bite. They are underestimated by many people. Most people think they are just scavengers, they can be, but they are successful predators. They mostly only scavenge from bigger predators like the lion for example, which is most common. They are also run by a matriarchs which is a head female versus lions which are run by a patriarch(male leader). Female Hyenas are bigger than males. Hyenas have one the strongest bites and are considered more related to mongooses when people think they are more related to dogs. Professionals are still studying and trying to figure out Hyenas. They are lions worst enemies and can easily kill humans if you do something to threaten them. Do not underestimate these strange but powerful animals.

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Q: How many humans have been killed by hyenas?
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