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There are three hydrogens in ammonia. NH3

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Q: How many hydrogen ions does ammonia have?
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How many hydrogen ions does ammonia have then bleach?

Ammonia has 3 hydrogens: NH3. It depends on the bleach you are talking about, Clorox has none.

Why can ammonia molecule react with hydrogen ions but not hydrogen gas?

hydrogen gases are stable so they will react no further while hydrogen ions have no electrons so it will react with the ammonia molecule thus becoming g stable

Does hydrogen ions conduct electricity?

Hydrogen ions formed by dissociation in water, liquid ammonia, or other polar solvents can indeed conduct electricity, along withe their counterions.

How many hydrogen molecules does an ammonia molecule have?

Ammonia has the chemical formula NH3, and thus there are three hydrogen atoms in a molecule of ammonia.

Do acidic solutions give some or many hydrogen ions?

The more acidic a solution is, the more hydrogen ions it gives off.

Why does ammonia accepts H ions in water?

The ammonia molecule has a lone pair of electrons with which a hydrogen ion might bond, forming an ammonium ion. H+ + NH3 --> NH4+

What does lightning do to nitrogen gas?

lightning ionizes the nitrogen gas..and produces nitrogen ions..these nitrogen ions combines with hydrogen ions resulting in ammonia gas..this takes place with heavy sound,thunder

How many ions in hydrogen iodide?

Two ions: H+ and I-

What is the strongest intermolecular force present in ammonia?

attractive force present between ammonia ions repulsive force also exist but not at high rate

How many atoms of hydrogen does ammonia have?

Ammonia is NH3. It has three hydrogens per molecule.

How many elements are in ammonia?

2-nitrogen and hydrogen

How many nitrogens and hydrogens are in ammonia?

Ammonia is made out of one nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms.