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Q: How many idols did Muhammad destroy?
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Related questions

Why did Muhammad travel to Medina?

Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina because he feared that he would be assassinated by the Meccans for his threats to destroy their idols.

Who did Muhammad's army destroy after returning to Mecca?

I know he destroyed the idols in the Kaaba, but I'm not sure if he destroyed anything else.

Why did Muhammad go to the trading place where idols were and destroy them?

He (SAAW) did it because Almighty God ordered him to do so and because Almighty God is the only one worthy of worship - as idols do not hear anything that you say when you pray to them. They are just stones and pieces of wood

Who is the idol of Islam religion?

No idols is allowed in Islam religion. Idols are strictly prohibited per Quran and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) teachings.

How many statues are there around the Kaaba in Mecca?

None. All old statues or idols were removed when prophet Muhammad (PBUH) got control of Makkah (or Mecca).

How has Muhammad put his beliefs into action?

Muhammad supposably made people like Islam to show that there is only one god no father nor son. there are no idols to be worshipped.

What did Muhammad name the city he destroyed?

He did not destroy any City.

What type of idols were placed inside and around the Ka'ba?

These idols were 360 idols inside & around the Ka'aba, they were mostly made of stones . They were completely destroyed by the Muslims when the prophet Muhammad PBUH & his companions entered Makka without fighting ( A Day of Remission).

What change did Muhammad do?

He changed the world by teaching people that praying to idols are very bad and are against the rules of ALLAH (GOD). he made so many people become a Muslim and fought against the people who are forcing innocent people to pray to those evil idols.

How many idols are there in kaba?

There are no idols in Kaaba, because Muslims don't worship idols.

Why did the Prophet Ibrahim break the idols?

Abraham saw the idols owned by his family as a form of blasphemy and felt motivated to destroy them because he was offended by their failure to capture God as Abraham understood Him.

How has worship changed from Muhammad?

worship used to be bad before now the Prophet Muhammad came it all changed first people worshiped idols were drunk and worship fire but now that changed