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Q: How many implanon implant can you put in your arm?
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Will you put on weight if your implanon is removed?

You will put on weight with or without the contraceptive implant if your caloric intake is larger than the number of calories you're burning.

What is the name of the implant birth implant you put under the skin on the arm?

Nexplanon is the name of the contraceptive implant sold in the US as of 2012.

Can the implanon poke out of your arm?

it depends. they put mine in fairly deep, so no matter which way i bend it it wont 'poke out'. it isn't visible but if you touch it you can feel it. my friend got one put in, and she must have had a dodgy doctor because there is huge scaring and it 'pokes out' the implanon is about 4cms long and is bendy so

What birth control works better?

Well for myself I prefer the implant. I have the one that is put in my arm. The only con is the periods are real irregular.

Why have you started your period two weeks early after having an implant put in?

Can someone tell me why I have started my period two weeks early. I have put an implant in my arm whilst I was on my 5th day of my period, two weeks later I started my period but it is really light. On the second day of my period it was brown then after that it was light pink...please help me

How many braclets you can put on your arm?

i would wear less than 50 on each arm

Do you get you period when you have an implanon?

Yes you can have it. Usually it's very irregular, sometimes it's light spotting or heavy flow.About the worst part is never knowing when you're going to get it. It just kind of varies between different women.i myself only had irregular bleeding for the first month and a half and since then i havent had a single period.but my friends also got theirs put in at the same time, and they got it done because they didnt want a menstrual cycle anymore, but it didnt work for them. it just worked as a contrception for them.ask your doctor about it

How much does a 550cc silicone breast implant weigh?

A 450cc saline breast implant weighs 0.43 kg (0.95 lbs) and a 450cc silicone breast implant weighs 0.48 kg (1.06 lbs). These weights are for a single breast implant, not for two implants put together.

How do I convert a 520 cc saline implant into grams?

A 520cc saline breast implant weighs 500g. Note that this is for a single breast implant, not for two implants put together.

How long does a breast implant last?

Forever or until put out.

What is Medpor?

it is a sergical implant put into the skull/head/brain

How long does it take after surgery to put the implant in?

dental implants?