

Subdermal Contraceptive Implants

Contraceptive implants like Nexplanon, Implanon, Norplant, and Jadelle provide long-term, reversible, and reliable prevention of pregnancy.

251 Questions

What are the risks of chin implant?

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Sometimes, there are patients who are not happy with the results of their augmentation, and it tends to be a semi-permanent procedure. Some patients also may have some bad reactions to sedatives they are given while under anesthesia.

What is an eye implant?

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A small, plastic device (IOL) that is usually implanted in the lens capsule of the eye to correct vision after the lens of the eye is removed. This is the implant is used in cataract surgery.

Is the contraceptive implant a barrier method?

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The contraceptive implant is a hormonal method, not a barrier method.

What is the Implanon for?

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implanon is a some plastic rod that is flexiable which is inplanted in ur upper arm its replaced every three years. the rod is no bigger then a match.

Does folic acid affect the contraceptive implant?

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There are no known drug interactions between folic acid and the contraceptive implant.

What happens if you get pregnant and you still have the implanon implant?

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If you get pregnant while using the contraceptive implant, you can still decide to continue or terminate the pregnancy. The implant does not harm or end a pregnancy.

Can you fall pregnant after implanon removal and no period?

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Yes, you can fall pregnant after having the implant removed and no period, because once the Implant is looses it's effectiveness immediately, so therefore your fertility returns straight away. If you are concerned, wait roughly 4 weeks from removal, then test

How can you get pregnant on the implanon?

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An IUD is only 99% while it is unlikely, it is still possible to become pregnant with an IUD in place if you are sexually active with a fertile partner. It is important to note that these pregnancies can result in dangerous consequences for the mother and the IUD should be immediately removed. At that point, a woman can continue or terminate the pregnancy as she prefers. If she chooses an abortion, she can have a new IUD inserted after the termination, or can choose a different birth control method. Having said this, it is possible to give birth to a normal, healthy baby even if you conceive with an IUD in place.

When can you go running after getting the contraceptive implant?

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There is no need to delay; you can return to any activities the day of insertion.

Can you damage a contraception implant when it is in your arm?

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Yes, you can choose which arm to use for the contraceptive implant.

Does Tamiflu interfere with the contraceptive implant?

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Many medications do not interact well with other medications. It is a good idea to ask your doctor regarding Tamiflu and birth control pills.

Is the contraceptive implant more than 98 percent effective and can it be combined with the birth control pill?

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If inserted during your period or within five days of the end of a pregnancy, the contraceptive implant is immediately effective. If inserted at any other time, it becomes effective after seven days.

Do you have to pay for the contraceptive implant?

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The contraceptive implant is typically covered by insurance. In addition, your local family planning office offers it on a sliding scale basis. There may be additional state programs to cover the cost.

How do you get pregnant after implanon removal?

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Implanon doesn't increase the risk of infertility. For women with and without a history of implanon use, 85 in 100 will get pregnant in the course of a year of sex without birth control.

Can the contraceptive implant cause abnormal bleeding?

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The contraceptive implant does not cause irregular heartbeat. See your health care provider today.

Can your implanon implant snap inside your arm?

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It probably can if you bent it hard enough but even if you did manage to bend it, it would still work (according to my doctor anyway). This is because the hormones are not actually concealed in the little tube as though it's a bottle, but they're kind of soaked or impregnanted into the actual tube.

Can you get pregnant once implant expires?

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Pregnancy can occur the first time ovulation occurs after an IUD implant has expired.

Is there a free clinic where you can get the contraceptive implant removed?

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Your local family planning office can tell you if you can have the contraceptive implant removed there or another nearby office at no charge.

What is the cost of a cochlear implant?

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Depends on the type, facilities, etc. -- but the two I had done were about $25,000 each for the device, surgery, hospital stay, etc. Additionally, about $25,000 over the course of 5 years was spent on speech therapy for my first implant to help me make sense of the sound I was receiving.

When do you get your period after stopping the contraceptive implant?

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It really depends on the sort of pill you are taking. A lot of pills say to start taking the first tablets on your first day of bleeding meaning your next period will be three weeks later and then four weeks every cycle after that. If you just started taking it in the middle of your cycle, you should not bleed until the first "sugar" pill you take three weeks later. If it is a low dosage pill, your normal cycle may still come for the first month. Hello there - When you take birth control pills you should get your period when your taking the sugar pills for seven days. During them seven days you will get your period. When you take morning after pill you can get a early period like bleed, experience spotting or have a very delayed period.

Does implanon help lose weight?

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Before I was on implanon I ran 5 days a week and lost weight super fast and easy but when I got on implanon in Nov 2010 I put on weight & couldn't shed the pounds! I eat very healthy & run 3 miles six days a week and still nothing for me implanon has made it difficult to loose weight but then again I love implanon because I haven't had my period since Nov but I will probably have it removed and try another birth control but everyone's different you could get on implanon and loose weight but it depends on the woman (:

How long does it take to get pregnant after removing the contraceptive implant jadelle is it a day or month?

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The Jadelle hormonal implants are one the most effective contraception methods. Each implant is good for up to five years and usually women can conceive after few weeks of getting the implants depending on the ovulation cycle.

What happens if you are pregnant when you get an implant?

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If you are pregnant when you get the implant, you may not notice as the implant can make your periods irregular and absent. It's important to take a pregnancy test three weeks after starting the contraceptive implant to make sure you hadn't gotten pregnant in the days before the insertion. If you are pregnant, you can still decide to continue or terminate the pregnancy; the implant doesn't change that decision. If you decide to continue, you'll have the implant removed. If you decide on abortion, the implant will be left in so you have protection immediately after the termination.