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Q: How many inches is a McDonalds straw?
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How many straws does it take to make a meter?

If the straw were normal and 8.25 inches then it would take 4.772121212121212... straws.

How many mcdonalds are in canada?

how many Mcdonalds are in Canada

What is the length of 1 million straws from end to end?

It depends on the length of the straw. I would go get a straw, measure it with a ruler, and multiply that by 1,000,000. So if the straw was 4 inches, it would be 4,000,000. You could also google .... length average "drinking straw".... without the quotes.

How many bales of straw does it take to cover 2000 square feet as a ground cover a few inches thick.?

I would guess about 70-80 bales

How many syllables are in the word 'straw'?

There is one syllable in the word 'straw'.

What is the formula for calculating the capacity of a drinking straw?

A standard drinking straw is a cylinder. The formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder is: Pi x r2 x length. So, a drinking straw that is 9.5 inches long with a diameter of .25 inches (1/4 inch) has a volume calculated like this:Pi (3.1416) x radius squared (.1252 = 0.015625) x length (9.5) = 0.46633125 cubic inches

What unit of measure would you use to measure the length of a straw?

inches or centimeters

How much liquid does a straw hold?

depends upon the diameter and length of the straw

How many pages does Straw Men - novel - have?

Straw Men - novel - has 321 pages.

How many pages does The One-Straw Revolution have?

The One-Straw Revolution has 252 pages.

How many pieces of straw does it take to complete a straw-thatched roof?

The last one.   The last piece of straw is what you need to complete the roof.

How many mcdonalds are in philadelphia?