

How many ions does carbon have?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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allie rae is 99. :P

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Q: How many ions does carbon have?
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How many ions are in carbon?

Carbon don't contain ions.

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Carbon never forms ions because the force to remove 4 electrons is too strong.

What are the ions present in the compound CO2?

Carbon dioxide is a covalent compound, it contains no ions.

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Copper carbide is a salt. As the element implies, the ions present are copper ions and carbide ions. Carbide ions are made of carbon atoms.

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with water you would have sodium(Na+1) ions and nitrate(NO3-1) ions then with the disulfide you would have Sulfur ions with carbon left over undissolved.

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carbon dioxide

Formula of carbon carbonate?

Carbon carbonate is not a possible compound, because carbonate ions (CO32-) only combine with postive metal ions and C does not exibit this property, being a NONmetal

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At the end of a aerobic respiration carbon is the molecule that makes hydrogen ions. This is taught in science.

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With Carbon and Silicon both in the 4A column, there are too many ions to gain or lose. They instead share, to be more stable.

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