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There are at least 20 places named Jamestown around the world, with the most famous being the historic Jamestown settlement in Virginia, USA. Other places named Jamestown can be found in countries like Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

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Q: How many jamestowns are there in the world?
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Who was jamestowns leader?

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How how many years after Jamestowns founding was Plymouth founded?

Jamestown was founded 13 years before Plymouth was founded.

WHEN was Jamestowns birth?

Sometime durring the 1600's

Who was jametowns leader after john smith was gone?

The person who was jamestowns leader after john smith left is john Rolfe The person who was jamestowns leader after john smith left is john Rolfe

Who were Jamestowns leaders?

The leaders of Jamestown, VA's settlement were Captain John Smith and Christopher Newport. Jamestown was the first successful English settlement in the New World.

How many miles is it to Jamestown to Roanoke island?

There are a bunch of Jamestowns in the US. The one in NC is 275 miles from Roanoke Island, the one in VA is 142 miles.

What is Jamestowns religion?

The 106 men were from England and the Church of England was the primary religion of England in 1607.

What are some of jamestowns hardships?

Mixed relations with Native Americans, swampy, unhealthy location, disease, lack of food.

What are jamestowns landforms?

The common landforms that can be found in Jamestown are valleys, mountains and plateaus. Jamestown is located in the Virginia Colony and was founded in 1607.

What was cash crop grown in large quantities for?

to gain money and trade, for example. Jamestowns cash crop was tobacco which they traded with Indians and also traded back to Europe

What happened to jamestowns settlement?

The townsite was deserted after rebel colonists under the leadership of Nathaniel Bacon burned Jamestown in 1676. The rebels accused Governor William Berkeley of having failed to protect them from Indian raids.

How many culture there in the world?

Their is so many cultures in the world, their is just so many in the world, we do not know