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Q: How many jews were there in russia before wwii?
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When were the German Jews not allowed to use radios?

Before and during WWII.

How many jews were killed in wwii?

Six million.

What did Russia and Germany promise before the start of ww2?

Russia and Germany had promised each other full cooperation before the start of WWII

What percent of Jews and Americans were killed in World War 2?

35 million people were killed in WWII, 18 million were from Russia.

How many people died at the war?

In WWII, 6 million Jews.

Who was the communist dictator of Russia during WWII?

Joseph Stalin was the commander-in-chief of Russia during WWII.

Why didnt all Jews migrate from Germany?

If you asking about the situation before WWII See the answer to the related question Why didn't the Jews leave Germany? During the War, Jews were considered Enemy Aliens and only could go to a neutral country like Switzerland. Switzerland accepted a limited number of Jews during the war. The rest were turned back to Germany. As for the situation after WWII Most had already left Germany before WWII, and the ones that remained were killed or sent to concentration camps, where the majority died. Some did come back and lived in Germany, because it was occupied by the Allied countries and they were protected. Jews without homes (mostly women and children) were taken to Displaced Persons (DP) camps and fed better than the average German. In Poland, after the War, many Jews were threatened and even killed on occasion, when they tried to reclaim their homes and other property. The Polish government gave very little protection to the Jews, and 99% left to Israel and America. Surprisingly, for a few years after WWII, Germany was one of the safest place for Jews to be. In Russia, many Jews starved to death right after the war, along with many other Russian citizens.

Y is the Jews acting like they landed from planet hell?

Because over the centuries the Jews have been terribly persecuted in many parts of the world, the most recent persecution being the Nazi Holocaust in WWII (before that it was Russia's turn to persecute them). At last they have got their own country (in 1948 - very recent in historical terms) so they want to defend it, wouldn't you?

How many Jews people were murdered during Hitler's reign?

Approximately 6.5 million Jews died under Hitler's regime. Of these, approximately 1,3 million were children. Before WWII about nine million Jews lived in Europe. During WWII almost two-thirds of them were killed.

How many non Jews and Jews died in the holocust?

6 million jews and 5 million others The total death count in WWII is 50 million people

Was their a German leader who was sypathetic to the Jews?

There were many German-Jews who at the time of the WWII, but there wasn't really a "Good" leader who was all that great to the Jews. The Jews were basically cut to nothing by all the Germans.

How were Jews liberated?

With the Allied powers defeating the Axis powers in WWII.